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Why remedial massage is an important inclusion for everyone’s health plan
What comes to mind when you think of a ‘Health Plan’? Regular exercise, healthy eating and chatting to your doctor are all at the forefront - and you’re not wrong!
The Dangers of sitting
Have you ever added up how many hours a day you spend sitting and not moving? Sedentarism is strongly linked to several of the chronic diseases that contribute the most to our global burden of disease, including cardiovascular disease, obesity, diabetes and high blood pressure.
Is driving contributing to your back pain?
Beeping, lane swappers and peak hour traffic are all frustrating parts of driving. Back and neck stiffness and pain can add to that frustration.
This article explains how to set up your driving environment to support your body while behind the wheel.
What the time of day tells us about pain
Pain patterns throughout the course of the day, give your physio great insight into the actual pathology of your injury as well as the contributing factors that have led to it.
Clinical Exercise - A mind-body exercise
Clinical Exercise is a subsection of traditional Pilates taught by trained physiotherapists or other qualified professionals using an evidence-based approach.