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Men’s Health

  1. Healthy Bones Action Week

    - Men’s Health, Men’s Health, Men’s Health, Men’s Health, Men’s Health, Men’s Health, Men’s Health

    Our bone’s health is vital for us to be able to continue to do what we love, yet it is so easy for us to neglect our bones.

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  2. Exercising - the benefits are much more than weight loss!

    - Men’s Health, Men’s Health, Men’s Health, Men’s Health, Men’s Health

    Physiotherapists are in a unique position in the area of health. They have hands-on skills, using a variety of manual techniques to assess dysfunction and then to help relieve pain. These include joint mobilisations, manipulation, massage, needling, taping, orthotic prescription and many more.

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  3. Your ultimate guide to New Year’s resolutions

    - Men’s Health, Men’s Health, Men’s Health, Men’s Health

    The New Year is here! Have you put some thought into creating New Year’s resolutions?

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