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How to start a new fitness routine

Published: 16 July 2019 - Physio Tips

Image of a woman stretching

Many of us start the new year with good intentions to be healthier and happier, committing to a new exercise routine or gym membership. But, after a few months or in some cases a few weeks, this can fall down - a number of studies actually suggest that between 40%-60% of gym memberships are paid for but not actually used - can you relate?

Getting your regular dose of physical activity in a social environment is not only a great way to stay accountable to your goals and stay motivated. Working out with a partner is also highly beneficial. A female only study conducted by Indiana University showed that women who exercise with friends will do so for longer and burn more calories than those who are going it alone.

Another great way of maintaining motivation and interest in fitness is to mix it up, here’s a sample schedule that you could adapt to your lifestyle:

Monday – morning walk or run before work with a friend
Tuesday – morning or evening group Pilates class
Wednesday – resistance circuit training in the park or at the gym with a friend or two
Thursday – rest day
Friday – morning walk or run
Saturday – morning group Pilates class
Sunday – rest day

This plan incorporates a mix of low intensity aerobic activity with strength (resistance) training and then Pilates to bring it all together.  Benefits of Pilates include improving core strength and stability as well as rehabilitation of injuries or existing niggles.

Two rest days also provide your body with ample down time to repair which is vital for those new to a exercise routine or the more seasoned fitness fanatic.

Depending on your situation, you can mix this up leaving a day between any two of the same activities or including more or less activity if your lifestyle permits.