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Hot Flushes with Acupuncture

Hot Flushes with Acupuncture

Are you or a loved one going through menopause and can’t take the heat? Studies show acupuncture may be effective in reducing the severity of symptoms such as hot flushes and night sweats during menop

Poor breathing habits and chro

Poor breathing habits and chronic neck pain

Take a deep, full breath. Now take another. Do you notice, as you breath in and out, your shoulders rise and fall. Now take another deep breath and this time notice, that you are not

Four Best Types Of Massage

Four Best Types Of Massage

As someone who normally is not a runner, I am becoming one as I train for this year’s Auckland half marathon. Through this time, I have noticed certain things from the way I run to how my mind operate

ITB Syndrome

ITB Syndrome

Firstly at bit anatomy, the ITB is essentially an extension of the Tensor Fasciae Lata muscle, which attaches from the crest of the ilium to the outside of the knee, and functions to control hip movem

Back Pain and Depression

Back pain and depression

Hi, I’m Dr Jason Berry, doctor of chiropractic at Pure Healthcare. In the light of depression being such a big topic at the moment, I decided to blog to increase awareness about the link between back

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